This one is made with fresh bananas and bamboo charcoal scented with black cumin is essential oil tea tree essential oil and turmeric root essential oil. Super fatted with hazelnut oil. Also has coconut powder and oatmeal for exfoliation.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Sunday, October 27, 2013
2nd Craft show
Well today was my 2nd craft show and I have to say it was very nice and the customer and vendor were too. I had my daughter
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Bath salts
Just got done making these lovely bath salt b with wonderful scents of black raspberry vanilla, pink sugar, lavender, and sobyummy chocolate. Did not even use any fragrance oil just cococa butter! O man it smells so yummy!
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Vapor Tub Tablets
Making these for my son and a friend. I'm hoping these will help open them up both are suffering for very bad allergy. Maybe will take some to the craft fair. We'll see! Happy soaping:-)
Friday, October 18, 2013
Fresh Goat Milk for lotion
Getting ready to make goatmilk lotion for the holiday boutique on the 26th. Doing a trail batch to see if I like the texture. I'm scenting this ine with pink chiffon type bbw.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
More Goat milk!
Just picked up 2 more gallons of milk from the goat farm;-) I still have 2 gallons ftom last week!
I've been making soap everyday with the frozen milk only made a small small dent in my frozen supply! Now I'm outa castor and soy bean oil. Cant order any till tuesday.
In the mean time me and my kids are working on some BNB product for teens. Were thinking some lip balms, sugar scrubs, lotions and bar soap or a liquid soap in a gift pack or some kind of cute packing. They need to raise funds for their 8th grade trip to NY and DC for a week! They both need to earn $2000 a piece. That's just one idea we got lots more to implement!
Happy soaping:-)
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Lots n lots of frozen goat milk!
Over load of goat milk! O my gosh I keep getting blessed with two plus gallons every sunday. More than I can use in a week! When the lord blesses you he gives more than enough! Thank you Jesus!
My next project is making cheese with some of my abudence. First ill try the cheve then mozzarella. I wish I could make a farmers cheese but I don't have the curing type of space it needs.
What I have pictured here is only what's in that one freezer. Those are two gallon bags with one gallon of milk in each one. I think ima have to invest into another freezer.
Anyways I'm hecka happy to kerp getting my blessings.
Happy Soaping!
On another goat milk run!
Another Sunday got to go get fresh goat milk from my goat man and his spoiled goats! This time we pick up 2 and half gallons. One gallon to drink and the other for soap making.
Before I left I checked our supply and noted 2 gallons for soap and one and a half for soap or lotion making. That does not include the eight gallons in my freezers. I have milk coming out my ears. Anyways I'm so bless to have met the wonderful man and his goats. Now I can make goat milk soaps, creams and lotions without worrying about running out.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Testing fragrances and playing around
This started as a gradient soap but I want to try my hand at adding a design within the soap so I add a tiger stripe of black and pink. I really like how it turned out and so do my kids they think its neat. I most definitely will be doing the style again. It makes the soap pop! I was using WSP margarita lime fragrance. Its was very strong when I poured but after a week the scent has faded. So anyways here it is.
Soap challenge #4
Hey y'all I'm doing another soap challenge from Greatcakes Soapworks Amy Warden.
This time it's a multicolored gradient soap challenge that I'm doing. Unfortunately my soap don't look like its multi color but it was when poured it and I think the fragrance reacted with the color and so it looks like it only has two colors. Anyways I used the colors bright pink mica a bright orange mica and yellow mica which was a pop mica from TKB TRADING. The fragrace I used was Island Nectar from WSP. This is a BBW dupe and smelld lovely.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Blue Sugar Cane
I really like this scent. It reminds me of a fragrace I used to buy from Sears called Get Sexy but of course they don't make any more. So glad Natures garden has this fragrance.
I used neon blue mica and pop mica form TKB trading. As you can see it does discolor to tan because of the vanilla content. I should have used titanium dioxide to whiten the uncolored parts. Overall I really like this scent and will be using this in body scrubs and lotions.
Sharing Soap
Everyone's favorite Black Rasberry Vanilla. This one is from Natures Garden.
I used the purple pop mica and charcoal both of these were from TKB trading. This is made with goats milk.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Avocado & Yogurt
Just another soap I was playing with. Wanted to make some fresh vegetable soap. This soap I use fresh cucumber and fresh avocado I also put in some avocado oil this one is not scented.
Hawaiian Lei Flower
Making this for one of my co-workers. She love the floral fragrances. Something I do not care for but I had received the scent from southerngarden scents and it was the one scent she liked out the order. I made this soap to reflecy the clores of her bathroom which is teal and brown. I did the foe funnel swirl using one pound batch of bastille soap recipe.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Soap Challenge #2 Mantra Swirl
Well this is another soap that challenge that Amy Warden is doing . Of course I was doing a test run with one of my favorite scent Juniper Breeze! This one did not turn out the way I was hoping. It kinda moved fast so i was not able to gt the swirl the way I wanted. But this is just for practice, got a few more to make. I used mica colors from TKB trading. These in neon red blue and white. The fragance I used was from Nature's Garden. I also add goat's milk too! This was my 4th of July soap.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Peacock swirl cut bar
Omg i could not for my life get this to upload on youtube. I`m still figuring out how to work this phone. I`m better wih my camera.
Anyway the soap was still way too soft to cut but I did anyways and I really like the colors I have choosen. Reminds me of sherburt ice cream and smell kinda of like.
I used plastic water bottles as my squirt bottles. Had to be creative. In the blog prior to this one it shows or has the reason I use the colors and fragrance.
I hope you guys enjoyed my blog I try to put it on youtube but things just did not turn out the way I wanted them too and I'm still like I said you knew at using this phone and I didn't know how to get it over.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Soap Challenge Peacock Swirl
This was the 1st challenge that i met some difficulty! I was not prepared and of course i had to improvise and use what i had! I had planned to do this over the weekend but I was out of town enjoying the cold wheather of Monterey CA. It was way toooo HOT to stay in town.
Any who back to the soap this was made using Amy's bastille recipe but I used pomace Olive oil which maakes some of my colors a little off! Anyways I chose 6 colors neon pink, orange, yellow, green and ragin raspberry and titium dioxide all from TKB Trading. I was going to use the neon purple but it morphes to pink in cold process soap. Found that out while back when I was making a soap called purple princess now called pink princess.
The fragrance is hard candy from save on scents. That was an easy scent to work with as it did not accelerate or any other negitive thing. Not sure if it will go dark says it has 6% vanillin and that it can discolor to lite tan but we will find out tomarrow when I unmold. I hope it wont bee too bad cause i really lke the colors i choose. The scent is described bright mouthwatering and also smell like sweet tarts or starburst.
Unmolding tomarrow or late tonight cause i have to post it by 2pm est. Thanks for reading.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Black Raspberry Vanilla! YUM
Oh my gosh what can I say about this awesome scent we all know and love perfect to work with and it doesn't turn dark like other fragrances with vanilla.
The colors I use was charcoal black a purple pop Micah from TKB which unfortunately they no longer have and the titanium dioxide which is the one mix with water.
Mz. Behaven
Ok so this was not supposed to look like this. It was supposed to be seperated with a blue mica line. The bottom color was to be red and blue swirled into the nartural color and then the top swirled with pink and purple into the white. As you can see that is not the case. I do have to say it smells hecka good!
Im not sure whats going on with me and my lcack of creativity but its getn on my nerves. I know its been a while since i have made soap but come on i still should have it! Of course you know ima keep making until i get it right!
So until next time HAPPY SOAPING!
Monday, April 29, 2013
3rd attempt at Tiger Strips
Here's another attempt at making the tiger strip soap! I know im way behind way behind! Like its 3 soaps behind! So anyways im really liking the colors i used the neon pink and charcoal black and the white. Another soaper used the same colors and it was real pretty! This is the black berry vanilla fragrance oil which is multi color friendly. But for some reason it kind of thicken up while i was pouring into the mold. Not sure what to call this soap it so pretty!
More cut fotos to come!
Monday, April 1, 2013
2nd Attempt at Tiger Strips Challenge

O ya and I want to say I add to much fragrance too but I would not realize this until I seperated them into the different cups.
The black is charcoal. The purple is pop mica from TKB Trading. The white Titanium dioxide: however I not sure if it the one you mix with water or oil so I mixed it with alcohol and then oil when it did not look right. And the tan is natural with only the fragrance oil added!
Now when I mixed all them together the way I wanted them I notice that the black and non-color were starting to separate and looking like the beginning of ricing.. Anyways I continued to mix and mix the black and it just would not mix right. Knowing that I really should have not used it I used it anyways and lo and behold the outcome of my beautiful swirled soap. Check out this video the out come!
Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, March 31, 2013

So for this soap I used neon green and yellow pop mica form TKB Trading and some un-color soap to make the strips. When I got the soap to trace I added the fragrance then just stirred it in. Then divided the soap into each container and stirred by hand to mix the color because I did not want it to trace too fast. But as you may know by the way the strips look it did trace before I could get the first pour! So anyways the fragrance I chose was Green Clover and Aloe which I have to say smell AWESOME!! I made this for my mom because she really likes this scent. I purchased this scent from Southern Garden Scents. They are kinda of pricey but I buy what smell great and I like that they come in amber glass bottles. It does help preserver the life of the oil a little longer!
I let the soap gel completely which I really never do to see if this scent would change and it did not still smells AWESOME!
The scent description is a floral fruity combination of fresh citrus and jasmine petals on a sweet musk and woody background.
I'll be doing a second tiger strip soap using Twilight Dreams from Pure Fragrance Oil or Southern Garden Scent!
Thanks for viewing!
Here are there links
Southern Garden Scent East Coast
Pure Fragrance West Coast