Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Peacock swirl cut bar

Omg i could not for my life get this to upload on youtube.  I`m still figuring out how to work this phone.  I`m better wih my camera. 

Anyway the soap was still way too soft to cut but I did anyways and I really like the  colors I have choosen.  Reminds me of sherburt ice cream and smell kinda of like.

I used plastic water bottles as my squirt bottles.  Had to be creative.  In the blog prior to this one it shows or has the reason I use the colors and fragrance.
I hope you guys enjoyed my blog I try to put it on youtube but things just did not turn out the way I wanted them too and I'm still like I said you knew at using this phone and I didn't know how to get it over.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Soap Challenge Peacock Swirl

This was the 1st challenge that i met some difficulty!  I was not prepared and of course i had to improvise and use what i had!  I had planned to do this over the weekend but I was out of town enjoying the cold wheather of Monterey CA. It was way toooo HOT to stay in town.

Any who back to the soap this was made using Amy's bastille recipe but I used pomace Olive oil which maakes some of my colors a little off!  Anyways I chose 6 colors neon pink, orange, yellow, green and ragin raspberry and titium dioxide all from TKB Trading.  I was going to use the neon purple but it morphes to pink in cold process soap.  Found that out while back when I was making a soap called purple princess now called pink princess.

The fragrance is hard candy from save on scents.  That was an easy scent to work with as it did not accelerate or any other negitive thing.  Not sure if it will go dark says it has 6% vanillin and that it can discolor to lite tan but we will find out tomarrow when I unmold.  I hope it wont bee too bad cause i really lke the colors i choose.  The scent is described bright mouthwatering and also smell like sweet tarts or starburst.

Unmolding tomarrow or late tonight cause i have to post it by 2pm est.     Thanks for reading.